This Spring break week I spent two full days with the help from friend, Esther Mills, cleaning 23 years of accumulation from our garage. We created two huge piles: one for the dump and one for a garage sale. Esther and I had many a laugh over the items we found. Who in the world would keep some of the things we kept? Why does anyone need multiple dish drainers for crying out loud? We did find two wallets (Ken's) with cash! - $15 between the two, although we were definitely looking for that illusive hundred dollar bill (have Ken and I ever carried hundred dollar bills??) I gave the money to Ken in case you were wondering. We picked up tools and other construction equipment with quizzical expressions wondering what in the world certain things were used for.
It feels good to purge and clean out. I didn't experience any sadness in the garage, but this morning as I stepped out into the backyard before the landscaper showed up to do some more work, the birds were singing, the roses looked gorgeous, and I felt that tightening in my chest. Yes, I will miss this place.
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