First off, our apologies for being so tardy in getting a new blog out. We've been really, really busy. Mostly it is with school stuff, but our social calendar on the weekends is pretty full as well. The school community is a close-knit, fun-loving group of people who love to get together to share meals, watch movies, go to museums, soccer games, opera, ballet, etc.
I promised last time that I would write about the food here. We enjoy most Ukrainian food. We have been blessed to find a woman to work in our home. She does a bit of cleaning, all our ironing (yes!), and cooks Ukrainian food for us three days a week. Her name is Lena and she is a kind and hard-working woman. She has made us many soups including Borscht, chicken and rice, and a seaweed and egg type of soup that was delicious. She breads chicken and pork often, and she also cooks a lot of rice with different sauces and generally chicken. She likes eggplant and squash, and often fixes us vegetable dishes, some of them cold. The cold ones are often served with mayo, and that takes some getting used to. One dish which was really different was cold eggplant wrapped around parsley and a mayo dressing. I liked it, but Angela and Ken ate a few bites and were done. I love Lena's borscht which is rich in cabbage, carrots, and beets. We serve it hot with a touch of sour cream. Ukrainian breads are incredible. Every week we buy a loaf of white and a loaf of dark (for about $1 per loaf). Nothing here has preservatives in it, so it goes stale quickly, but that's okay because we go through it quickly. Groceries are cheaper here than in California if you buy local and Ukrainian products. If you need to buy recognizable brands like Nestle or Hinz, you will pay the price for it. Vegetables and fruits (of which there are plenty) are inexpensive and even cheaper if you buy them from vendors on the streets. As our understanding and ability to speak in Russian numbers improves, we are venturing more and more out to those outside vendors.
We have been to many restaurants so far. Those are priced about the same as in the US, perhaps just a bit cheaper. We have been to traditional Ukrainian restaurants. One we went to was a buffet style where you got a tray and pointed to the different foods you wanted. Another was a beautiful restaurant where I ordered eggplant with mushroom sauce. The presentation was beautiful. Rabbit is a common item on the menu - Ken ordered that once and it was "ok." We also went to a Lebanese/Ukrainian restaurant dubbed "The Cave" by teachers. They have the most incredible chicken skewers - Shashlik in Ukrainian. This chicken is a Ukrainian specialty and it is grilled chicken on a skewer. In this particularly restaurant the chicken is incredibly moist. We have also found a great sandwich shop called Aroma. There are so many places to eat, and generally on Friday night we try to go to a restaurant if we haven't been invited to someone's apartment or house for dinner (and we do that a lot)!
The weather has changed here. It has been raining since last night and it is quite cool - high 30s. We were out in it quite a bit today and we got a bit chilled. We've been told that once this type of rain starts, that's it for summer/fall and here comes winter! The heat is not on in our apartment yet, but I'm baking some apple crisp tonight, so at least the kitchen is warm. I can hear the rain beating on the windows as it is pretty blustery outside.
School continues to go well. Ken and I both love our classes, and we are keeping our heads just above water with the workload. We have continued our Russian lessons and we progress quite slowly with that, not really having much opportunity to practice except when we go grocery shopping. I am still coaching cross country. Our big high school meet is in one month and we have a solid boys and girls teams. We competed in a 5K fun run to raise money for Children of Chernobyl - and I actually ran in it! I didn't come in first, but I didn't place last, so all was good. Our two boys that ran took 1st and 2nd place against another local international school.
And, just to show us all how small this world is, this other international school called Pechersk International School also has a cross country coach. That cross country coach is a man I went to graduate school with in Santa Cruz. He was in my cohort of 15 other student teachers and we did teacher training together for two years. This is his second year here in Kiev, and what a blast it was to see him here! I had no idea!
I'll try not to be so tardy next time, and I promise more pictures - some of the metro and Marshrutkas (the buses we ride) as well as where we grocery shop. Perhaps I'll be able to get some photos of the wild dog population as well - they can be a bit intimidating at times.
We hope everyone is doing well and we send you all our love!
Kim, Ken and Angela